Indoors Weather


NASA has a building that’s large enough to have it’s own weather.

Preventing bugs in spring applications with ArchUnit

tech java
A true story about misuse of springs caching abstraction, and how to prevent that misuse from ever happening again.

Daemones Ceramici

Just in case anyone thought that greek mythology was all about stories of big heroes, I’d like to introduce you to the Daemones Ceramici.

The ecological cost of slow software

tech angry-rants
Every now and then, there’s another discussion on social media on why software nowadays is just so damn slow….

Assassin Subcontracting

This fascinating sequence of events happened in China from 2013 to 2014:

Java Performance I: CPU Profiling

java tech
The first in hopefully a Series of articles on performance analysis for the JVM, using only slightly censored data from my job.

Octopus Mating

trivia nsfw
Octopus mating behavior is weird.